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Monday, March 3, 2025

In the Pilot: Support our neighbors in times of uncertainty this Lent

In a recent Boston Pilot article, President and CEO Kelley Tuthill emphasized the importance of the Archdiocese of Boston’s special Ash Wednesday Collection this year, which will directly support Catholic Charities Boston’s vital programs and services. While recent changes in federal policies continue to impact the agency’s ability to serve as a safety net to those in need, Kelley affirmed that Catholic Charities Boston remains committed to strengthening families, supporting those on the margins, and guiding all those in need toward self-sufficiency.

“When long-standing policies and practices are upended, it can make us feel powerless,” said Kelley. “But we have the ability to reaffirm our Catholic values that every human being has dignity and deserves to be treated with compassion and respect.” Read the full piece in the Pilot here.

Below, Archbishop Henning shares a message on the importance of supporting the Archdiocese’s special Ash Wednesday Collection as well:

To learn more about how you can help Catholic Charities Boston’s clients in need, visit our Ways to Give page.

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